International Classification of Diseases, 4th Edition (ICD-O-4) for consultation until 30 April 2025. Click here.


WHO Classification of Tumours Online presents the authoritative content of the renowned classification series in a convenient digital format. Now combining the fourteen most recent volumes of the series in a searchable format, with high quality images and whole slide images.
WHO Classification of Tumours Online is indispensable for pathologists and cancer specialists worldwide. New volumes will be added regularly, ensuring immediate access to the latest content.

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The WHO Reporting Systems for Cytopathology are a joint project of the International Academy of Cytology, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a specialized agency of the World Health Organization. This series is a synthesis of the published evidence and the practice of cytopathology, linked to the WHO Classification of Tumours, now in their 5th Edition. Cytopathology reporting uses a hierarchial system of diagnostic categories. These categories are linked to diagnostic management recommendations to improve communication with clinicians and assist patient care.

WHO Classification of Tumours
Genetic Tumour Syndromes5th ed.details
Skin Tumours5th ed.details
Eye Tumours5th ed.details
Haematolymphoid Tumours5th ed.details
Endocrine Tumours5th ed.details
Head and Neck Tumours5th ed.details
Urinary and Male Genital Tumours5th ed.details
Paediatric Tumours5th ed.details
Central Nervous System Tumours5th ed.details
Thoracic Tumours5th ed.details
Female Genital Tumours5th ed.details
Soft Tissue and Bone Tumours5th ed.details
Breast Tumours5th ed.details
Digestive Tumours5th ed.details

WHO Reporting Systems for Cytopathology
Lung Cytopathology1st ed.details
Pancreaticobiliary Cytopathology1st ed.details
Lymph Node, Spleen and Thymus Cytopathology1st ed.details


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The WHO Classification of Tumours series you've been relying on for years are now available as a convenient online subscription, including new features such as whole slide images, favourite sections and personal notes.


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