The definitive diagnosis and classification of individual cancers underpins the care of individual cancer patients, as well as research into cancer causation, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Traditionally, cancer classification has been based on consensus of histopathological opinion, with very limited consideration of molecular pathology. But new technologies are now transforming the field of pathology more rapidly than at any other time during the past 30 years, and it has become increasingly clear that the traditional approach to cancer classification is insufficient. Our understanding of cancer at the molecular level has now reached the point that this information must be included in diagnoses. Digital pathology and image analysis are also producing new insights, providing quantitative justification of many existing diagnostic criteria while challenging others. The rapid improvement in computer technology, including artificial intelligence, is already producing clinically applicable aids to diagnosis, and this trend is likely to accelerate.
IARC has been responsible for the WHO Classification of Tumours, also known as the WHO Blue Books, since the 3rd edition (2000–2005), which covered all organ sites in 10 volumes. The WHO Classification of Tumours is updated on a regular basis. The characteristics of each cancer type, including diagnostic criteria, pathological features, and associated molecular alterations, are described and illustrated in a strictly disease-oriented manner to provide the international standards for diagnosis and cancer research. The new website represents a new departure for the WHO Classification of Tumours and facilitates many innovations, including the use of whole slide images.
None of this would be possible without the contributions of some 200 authors and editors who make these books the definitive works they are. We are very grateful to all of them for their contributions
Edited by:
The WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board
IARC Editors:
Dilani Lokuhetty
Valerie A. White
Ariana Znaor (Epidemiology)
Ian A. Cree
Project Assistant:
Asiedua Asante
Anne-Sophie Hameau
Laura Brispot
Technical Editor:
Jessica Cox
Alberto Machado
Rahul Rampurkar (Deccansoft Software Services)
Sandeep Soni (Deccansoft Software Services)
Information Technology:
Francisco Lozano
Christopher Jack
Danil Kister
Publishing Layout:
Meaghan Fortune
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 150 Cours Albert Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France